the power of WORDS

The reason that I was so unhappy, frustrated, resentfull, envious and angry was because I wasn't speaking out the Real Me for which I was created...
The Power of WORDS is something I learned to appreciate; To speak out being a verbal person has break the wall I had once built around myself. I won't let people took my shyness for judgement anymore, nor my silence for withholding.
This..utterly now changed how I view myself and my daily round and the journey within.
I do not now seek the answers which cannot be given...
But I do not turned away from all that is unresolved in my heart because I feared questioning...for I'll live the unspoken questions.. (only the ones are worth asking -then ask!)
And I'll perfom in any unexpeted minute as I may tap into the power, excitement and glory more frequently when I can cast myself as the leading person in my own lives!
Today is my birthday,
((My prayer:))
May the passion of God
and all the Angels,
heal my sins,
help me grow in kindness,
and reward me with eternal life..
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