
the Artist

Ever since I create Taste of Living,
I start thinking of myself as an artist,
and my life as an art work in progress,
the progress' that are never perfect
but changes that made to the rough draft during re-writes..
I add colors to my canvas,
and nuisance...
I add beautiful images,
and more colors,
I add sweet sounds,
and passions..

I'll pick the needle up and colorfull threads,
and start making the stiches on the corner..
I think Art is never stagnant,
neither is life.
This beautiful life is the highest art everyone has as a start..
I believe that each of us is an artist,
for artist is merely someone who access to bring forth something on.
With every choises,
I am creating a unique work of art
on a fresh canvas
every one thousand four hundred fourty minutes a day,
I paint a master piece of my soul,
the frame of my mind on my life's canvas..
I draw the rough draft,
and create the poem.
I think of making a personal map,
and frame the dream.
I sing my own song
and I be quiet,
I cry in my pain
and I smile,
And the good art is progressing,
because art is not a destination..
my work is never really done
because no work of art is ever finished,
my journal is unending.
I hope my goal would be ambitious enough to be challenging,
but realistic enough to be attainable..


the power of WORDS

The reason that I was so unhappy, frustrated, resentfull, envious and angry was because I wasn't speaking out the Real Me for which I was created...
The Power of WORDS is something I learned to appreciate; To speak out being a verbal person has break the wall I had once built around myself. I won't let people took my shyness for judgement anymore, nor my silence for withholding.
This..utterly now changed how I view myself and my daily round and the journey within.
I do not now seek the answers which cannot be given...
But I do not turned away from all that is unresolved in my heart because I feared questioning...for I'll live the unspoken questions.. (only the ones are worth asking -then ask!)
And I'll perfom in any unexpeted minute as I may tap into the power, excitement and glory more frequently when I can cast myself as the leading person in my own lives!
Today is my birthday,
((My prayer:))
May the passion of God
and all the Angels,
heal my sins,
help me grow in kindness,
and reward me with eternal life..


the Beauty of ARTS

MY TATTOOBeauty is in the eyes of the beholder,
so personal opinions matter above all..


I have a special passion for Tattoos, the tattoo has evolved into high art worthy of human canvas.
Art critic takes a sharpen look, but in my head I hear: Expressing ourself!
Well, self Expression has always been a cornerstone, often the non-verbal communicator ~preferrences clothes we wear, passion colors we like, proud car we drive, tasty food we eat~ are the most pronounce indicator of who we are..

Body arts, tattoo is high on the self-expression chart.
Many would say it's far out off the chart....
For several decades, tattoos were generally considered symbol of rebellion or non-conformity.
But at some passions, tattoos become so "fashionable kewl".

Tattoo is an interactive art in which the artist use the sitter as canvas for inspiration to be translated.

BEAUTIFUL TATTOOIf we believe our body is a temple, then this adornments can be taken as worshipful avatar, which taken to extremes: becomes exhibitionism...

But no matter what, a tattoo is a public statement on a private billboard in expressing self voice.

((The word of tattoo prolly comes from Tahitian "tatu", meaning to mark.))