Naughty Me:

I can look at an actor everybody crazy about
and say,"Yes, he's HOT!"
But everybody I've ever found sexy,
for me,
has been unusually sexy.
I think what makes someone is sexually interesting
is if you have to dig to get there.
I never think about putting my sexuality just out on the table.
Sexy is something that's quiet and private and shy.
I think every person
who is comfortable with who they're is
- in some way: SEXY

The perfect Kiss ...........
you'll know it when it works.
It's a lil' bit of toungue,
a lil bit of teeth
- it just fits.
Why d'I like Playboy??
At some point in our lives,
everybody wants something they can't have
and to be the one to tame a man
is one of them.
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