let GO
Sometime in life,
I've met someone so special.
Someone who changes my life just by being part of it.
But then life introduces a sharp left turn.
And the sorrows darken my bless heart.
Form the scars from the wound of the blackest sin.
But isnt Life about making our own choise??
Oh Yes, I remember that I can't change the direction of the wind.
Only I can always adjust the sail...(if I aware) to reach my destiny.
So, I should let the past GO...I think..
Before a wonderful world full of strangers just waiting to make a connection while I turn my eyes away.
There should be so much simple revelation that I have to make myself happy.
I can embrance myself with for one simple beautiful life I am coming to.
As simple as putting something back that I take out.
Or hanging something up that I take off.
Since Happiness is a stage of mind, and I am sure I can learn to be happy ((again))
regardless of the messes tragedy had brought me.
They say.......If we want something badly,
Let go.
If it comes back to you, then it'll be yours forever.
eitherwise, it's never be yours....
But it's so difficult to let go when your heart telling you not to.
Gift of Time
The best gifts I always want to offer myself is
the investment of quality time,
because creative excursions require an investment of time,
not money...
perhaps with the additions of passions and intuition,
..my master piece will look closer to the word: perfection!
There was a time when I suddenly -shockingly become so wasted:
I spent my most valuable time by playing the gameboy: MarioBross for 6 hours straight...
A person can only take so much fantasy land,
so I reluctantly quit my mind-numbing game for the evening.
I guess, my brain had gone away..
I was slipping dangerously down to the ice berg,
out of some wondrous blue:
And I couldn't shake the sadness..
I listened quietly.....
(to view more about poet, click here)
Almost as if I had died,
and simply for I had not produce anything
during these time,
while..it clearly did not matter to the world
when my next write will be posted out!
Oh so lil time, so much things desired to do..
After all,
my goal in life not be the perfection of work alone,
rather the perfection of that life...